Sunday, November 2, 2014


As part of our writing unit, our students create research reports on their state of choice.  We're required to have them use online databases, and this is the first time students are exposed to such a resource.  It also required them to cite their sources, something very complex to 3rd and 4th graders.  Having a recording (sorry for the lack of microphone, it broke in the process this week) that could be posted to our classroom website would be a great resource to students.  I can see it being a reminder to the students, along with a helpful aid to parents when working with their children at home.

(Screencast is giving me problems with embedded this video.  It claims that I don't have an updated flash player, but mine is the most recent.  So I'm going to leave the embedded code in hopes that it works for you, and will also leave the link just incase).


Unable to display content. Adobe Flash is required.

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