Thursday, November 6, 2014

Concept Mapping

As part of our week #10 assignment, I created a concept map using (one of my favorite concept mapping websites!).  I constantly use concept mapping with my students as electronic versions of graphic organizers.  These seem to capture their attention so much more, and they love being able to color code their thinking.

This concept map is the basic outline for our persuasive writing.  The students use this map as an outline guide, filling in their thinking, as a way to plan out their writing - such as a drafting sessions.  We also use this concept map when working on our basic research unit.  It helps to guide the students planning.


  1. NICE WORK! I always loved working persuasive writing with my freshman English class, they loved to argue and always thought they were right! Giving them an opportunity to be right and work on something they enjoyed was always refreshing to see! I use to use a mapping tool called the "Persuasive Man" If you are ever interested in alternative mapping ideas! I really like what you have done here, I am sure your students do very well having you as a teacher!

  2. very nice! I think I could also use this for undergrads!
